Friday, December 14, 2018

12/12/2018 Vitality

100 calories - Assault Bike - 8:00 minute warmup


DB overhead walking lunges 30 meters
4 rounds


Player 1: 15 dips, 15 pull ups, 500 meter row
Player 2: heavy ball toss (60 pounds)
Player 3: sled pull (125 pounds)
Player 4: weighted bear crawl (60 pound dumbbells)

2x through


4x peg board climb

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12/23/2015 Vitality

10:00 assault bike warm-up 

8x bench @ 125# 
3x dips 
6x goblet squat @ 53# 
10x ball slam @ 25# 
1:00 rest 
10 rounds 


100 calories on the Assault Bike doing
:10 hard effort (900watts+) 
:50 rest (210watts) 
took me 6:28 

Monday, December 21, 2015

12/21/2015 Vitality

10:00 Assault Bike Warm Up 
5x3 pull-up burpees 


200m row @ 95% effort 
:90 rest during which you do 
x5 deadlift @ 95# 
10 step-ups 
finished with a 1:36.3 average pace 


5 dips 
5 chin ups 
10 push press 
5 rounds 

Monday, December 7, 2015

12/07/2015 Vitality

5:00 Assault Bike warm-up 
100 ball slams @ 25lbs 


45m sled push 
45m farmer carry hex bar 
4x of 6 push-ups, 3 pull-ups 
3 rounds 


5x bench press @ 135# 
1:00 Assault Bike @ 460 watts 
:30 rest 
5 rounds 

Monday, November 23, 2015

11/23/2015 Vitality

10:00 Assault Bike Warm-up


10x bench press @ 95#
dumbbell complex
6 deadlift
6 bent over row
6 hammer curl
6 squat
6 push press
rest 1:00
repeat 3 times


10x deadlift @ 115#
6 pull-ups
6 ball-slam 40#
6 push-ups
rest 1:00
repeat 3 times

11/21/2015 C2X Crossfit

Saturday Morning work w/ Kristin and her Crossfit class

10:00 Assault Bike Warm Up

50 up-downs
80 Russian Twists w/ 20# med ball
60 Wall Ball 20# ball
40 cals Assault Bike
20 Burpee box jump

Rest 7:00 min.

Repeat in opposite direction...

Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16/2015 Vitality

10:00 warm-up Assault Bike

8x bench press 50lbs dumbbell
20m bear crawl
20m lung
5 rounds


15x should press 15lb dumbbell
5x bench press 50lbs dumbbell
3x pullups
3x chin-ups


2:00 Assault Bike @ +460watts
3:00 rest in which you complete
15x goblet squat 53lb kb
10 push ups

:45 plank
10 v sit-ups

Thursday, November 12, 2015

11/11/2015 Vitality

10:00 Warm-up Rower 

3 rounds of: 
45lb dumbbell deadlift 
:90 Assault Bike (450+ Watts increased each round) 
2:00 rest 

(results 461, 480, 560 average watts) 


10-1 of push press (65lbs) 
10-1 of push-up 
10x ball slam (30lb ball) 
no rest between rounds 


5 rounds of 
5 pull-ups 
:30 plank 
:30 rest 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

11/04/2015 Vitality

10:00 Assault Bike Warm-up (100 Cal)

every :30 do 3 bench press @ 45lb dumbbells

1:00 Assault Bike (average watts per round: 460, 498, 517, 546, 550)

1:00 Assault Bike active rest
5 bench press (45lb dumbbells)
10 push up
5x rounds

2:00 row @ 1:45 pace
2:00 rest w/ 10 pull ups

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10/26/2015 Vitality

10:00 Warm-up Assault Bike
5x5 pull-ups
5x5 goblet squats w/ 25KB

Every minute on the minute for 10:00 minute complete:
6 goblet squats (35lbs)
6 push-ups
12 step-ups (18 inch box)

5 rounds of
10x bench press (95lb bar bell)
:30 max effort Assault Bike (finished with 795 average watts)
rest 1:00 minute

5:00 cooldown & stretch

Monday, June 2, 2014

Salem Spring Tri 2014

Graham paid for me to race.  It was his Christmas present!  That is a great start to any race.  In the last year I have improved.  I am still getting faster and better at these things which gives me hope that one day I can stand on top of the podium.  

Total time: 1:10:40 (12/204)
Swim: 14:24 (21/204)
T1: 1:42 (53/204)
Bike: 31:52 (4/204)
T2: 1:30 (93/204)
Run: 21:15 (14/204)

SWIM: 13:39 
T1: 1:07 
Bike: 31:23
T2: :55 
Run: 22:35

Overall, everything improved except my run.  I thought I had an amazing run also.  I would love to see my run drop into the sub 21:00 for 2015.  Either way, there were 5 guys ahead of me on the bike - which is a fun stat to compare.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

SG 70.3

It seems like I have been thinking about and preparing for this race for so long.  I loved the idea of doing a 70.3 race in the most difficult of circumstances.  Because I was confident I wasn't going to win I thought the next best goal would be to challenge both my physical and mental abilities.  I wanted to challenge myself to do something great.  When I finished the Pumpkinman Half Ironman in October 2012 I convinced myself that I was not cut out to compete in the 70.3 distance.  My competitive nature gave way to my love of sports and working to accomplish something amazing.  Many racers get satisfaction from crossing the finish line, and that bring its rewards, but I love the journey.  I enjoy setting goals, having a plan and working to see it through.  There is something special about being out on the road at 4:45AM.  I love those quite moments when I put in work and feel my body and mind take the next step towards being a better racer. 

I arrived in St. George on Thursday night.  The race organizers required all athletes to be at a mandatory athlete briefing on Friday at 3:00PM.  I also had to have my bike dropped off at T1 by 7:00PM Friday night.  I ran a quick 5K on Monday and a easy spin for twenty miles on Tuesday.  I swam 1000 m on Wednesday and rode thirty minutes Thursday morning.  It had been an easy week, and by Friday I was ready to race.  I spent the day walking around the Ironman village wondering why so many athletes would give more money to the Ironman shop.  Hats, tanks-tops, backpacks, visors, t-shirts, sweatshirts…it was all for sale in the Ironman shop.  I registered for the race and went back to the condo.  Cleaned my bike and greased the drive train.  Then made my way out to Sand Hallow.  Dropped my bike off and took a few minutes to admire the 100+ pro athlete's bikes already set up in T1.  All of our gear had to be kept in different colored bags.  I couldn't lay out my bike gear on the ground under my bike.  It was all kept in a little blue plastic bag.  The race frowned on having gear flung all over the transition areas.  Next I took my running gear to the St. George town center and dropped it off at T2.  Shoes, race number, visor and a little nutrition.  The hot afternoon was only a glimpse of what the heat would do on race day. 

Race morning came quick.  My wave, 35-39, started at 7:27AM.  Our group entered the water and swam about 200m to the start of the race.  Once the bulk of the group arrived at the starting buoys they sounded the gun and away we went.  The water was cold.  Sixty one degrees.  My rhythm was smooth, but there were so many athletes in the water it was hard to keep your head down and keep moving.  Every few minutes I was getting side swiped by an athlete who somehow was swimming diagonally in front of me.  The water was clam and easy to navigate.  I had heard a quote early on in my training that I latched onto are frequently repeated to my self, "Hope is not a strategy."  When it came to my race strategy I ha done everything I could to prepare my mind and body to race well.  I felt calm and fast as I finished the 1.2 mile swim in 37:03.  

The bike course in SG70.3 has a great deal of climbing.  After 40 miles of racing you get to Snow Canyon.  A 5 miles stretch of climbing that ends with some serious gradient.  When I had practiced the course 4 weeks earlier I had expended too much energy by the time I started climbing.  On race day I felt different.  I burned some serious matches riding up the canyon, but once to the top I had 11 miles of downhill to spin my legs and get ready for the run.  My heart rate averaged 157 over the 2 hours and 44 minute ride, but when I got to T2 I had plenty in the tank to tackle the half marathon.  

The bulk of my winter training had focused on running.  The first 3 miles of the run climbed and climbed and climbed.  The heat had arrived I was feeling it in my legs.  By the time I started to descendd on the Red Hills Parkway my legs started to cramp.  I could feel it first in my quads.  I powered through and didn't think much of it.  I was getting ice chips and Coke at the aid stations and that seems to help me move through the cramping.  When I turned around at mile 6.5 and began to climb the road I had just descended my hamstrings locked up.  This was not cramping, it was a step above.  I pushed through it, but had to stop 3 times to try and walk it off.  Each time I walked my legs would relax a little and I could start running again.  I had my nutrition dialed in, but it could have been a lack of salt.  It might have been over-exertion.  Or it could have been the heat.  Either way, miles 8-11 where brutal. 

I'm glad it's over.  I was a challenge, and I am glad to have experienced it.  I learned enjoy racing a little more and be grateful for the healthy body I have been blessed with.  I learned to be more grateful for the countless people who supported me and made an effort to say something nice about the race.  Hopefully, my little girls won't be afraid to do tough stuff.  I want to set an example of doing difficult things, planning effectively and accomplishing greatly. 

Swim 37:03 
Bike 2:44:52 (20.38 MPH average) 
Run 2:00:23 (9:11 pace) 
Total 5:33:02

Monday, March 31, 2014

Holding Things

10:00 warm-up 

2 rounds 
3-12 pull-ups (move up in reps of 3) 
20m lunges 
20m bear crawl 

7 rounds of 
7 KTE (elbows at 90 degrees) 
14 total 18" step-ups holding a 40# ball on chest 
2 weighted burpees (40# dbs) 
7 push-ups on dumbbells 

plank w/ push-ups 
every :15 do 3 push-ups 
4 rounds w/ :45 rest between rounds 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The final 5 weeks before the SG70.3 are in front of me.  Volume has increased and so has effort.  Mostly, I am managing recovery and watching my numbers.  

MARCH 26, 2014 
1-4 pull-up latter 3x rounds 

5 rounds of…
15x kb swings @ 50lbs 
fast 20m bear crawl 
5x weighted burpees @ 30lbs 
spring 20m 
no rest 


10:00 minute of  
5x hand release push-ups 
10x weighted step-ups (25lbs) 
5 regular push-ups 
each round starts at the top of the minute 


5 rounds of 
10x KTE 
:30 side plank (each side) 
20 superman 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday 01/14/2014

9 mile run in 1:20:00 

Week 11 (base)

Monday AM

10:00 row warm-up

3x 1:00minute plank + :15 rest between rounds

goblet squats w/ 44#KB +
between each round 3x weighted burpees 40# dbs

5x 10 KTE

15:00 warm-up
60:00 minutes @ 230watts
15:00 cool-down

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The next 4 weeks…

January 6, 2014
10:00 Warm-Up

18' step-up
5x (each leg) w/ 30# DB
10x (each leg) no weight
5x rounds

5x of 8 chin-ups

Ab mat sit-ups +

100 walking lunges w/ 30lbs DBs

10:00 warm-up progressing to

60:00 minutes @ 230-245 WATTS

The last 9 weeks...

Nine weeks have come and gone. Base training for the 2014 season started early in hopes of being primed and ready for the May 3rd St. George 70.3. On the outset of base training we decided swimming and running needed "extra" attention. A more conscious effort was needed to improve substantially before I moved into the season.

The past nine weeks have looked like this:
Cycle / Spin: 33 hours
Run: 17 hours
Swim: 9 hours (21,000 meters)

The summer of 2013 was filled with many sleepless nights spent helping with our new little baby.  I was worn down and had a difficult time recovering after most difficult workouts.  But as our baby gets older I am getting longer blocks of sleep and my strength is returning.  I started the base training session at 166 pounds and now average 156.  Ten pounds was lost through tons of salad and no candy, cakes, cookies or Christmas goodies.  Although, I did feast pretty heavy the week of Christmas. Part of racing smart for the SG70.3 is being more economical.  So, I will continuer to work towards 150lbs by the end of January.  

Running has been a big center of my focus. I found a friend who would wake up at 5:00AM on Tuesdays and bust out 60:00 runs with me through the streets of Holladay. I learned to take care of my legs better, particularly my calves by using the Trigger Point roller and ball. Before each run and after each run I would work them over with the Trigger Point gear. Not once in the 9 weeks did I experience prolonged calf soreness.

The biggest and best signal of a successful base period was the way I felt going into todays wattage best. My body felt like it wanted do more. Early in the 9 weeks I felt like it took all my energy to get back on my bike on a Monday night after an early AM session at Vitality. But during the past 2-3 weeks I do not feel that way anymore. My body has improved its muscular endurance. I weigh less and have gained both power and speed.

I suffered hard this morning. I didn't cough up any stomach bile, but my eyes started getting tunnel vision and I couldn't stand up for about 15 minutes after I finished.  I could hold 300W at the end of the season for about 25:00 minutes, but this effort felt like I was a crazy person trying to keep everything from blowing up. My heart rate went up into the 180 range during the last 10:00 minutes of the effort - at which point I started tasting blood.  Once I tasted blood I knew I was on the right track for a good test.

Wattage Test January 4th
30:00 minute average 291
(average BPM 175 - attached is a picture of my heart during the last 20:00 minutes of the test) 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

DAY 51 / 56

1:15:00 minute run for 7.5 miles 

DAY 50 / 56

10:00 warm-up 

goblet squats @45#kb 
ab mat sit-ups 
ball slams @ 25# ball 

4 rounds of 
single legged dead lift + 
25 second "dead bug" ab hold 
walk back 
15 meters 

3 rounds of 15 Superman 

70:00 at 140-145BPM 

DAY 48 / 56

60:00 cycle @145bpm + 
52:00 minute run (7 miles) 

Friday, December 27, 2013

DAY 47 / 56

10:00 warm-up 

4x 25 ball slams @ 20# 

15 wall ball toss @ 10# ball 
500m row 
2:00 active recovery row 
10 pull-ups 
15 push-ups 
no rest 
4 rounds

2 rounds of 
50 ab-mat sit-ups 
:30 hanging leg hold 
10 kte 
1:00 plank 

DAY 46 / 56

60:00 minute spin @ Sports Mall 

DAY 45 / 56

Christmas Spin (45:00 minute cycle) @ 135bpm 

AY 44 / 56

AM run 9.0 miles in 1:20:00 (Tanner Park Loop) 

DAY 43 / 56


pull-up latter (descending) 4-1 x3 rounds 

8x1 negative hold pull-ups (5 second count coming down) 

weighted lunges 40# and 50# dumbells 

20 step-ups as fast as possible 
4 rounds 
1:00 rest between rounds 

55:00 minutes @ 140bpm 

DAY 41 / 56

60:00 minute cycle @ 145bpm 
30:00 minute run @ 5.5 treadmill 

Day 40 / 56

10:00 Warm-up 

6x rounds of 
6 db bent over row 
6 hammer curls 
6 push press 
6 reserve lung 
6 push press 
6 push ups 

18' step-ups 
ab mat sit-ups 

Day 39 / 56

60:00 cycle @ 150bpm 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

DAY 38 / 56

AM Vitality 
10:00 warm-up Airdyne 

1-4 x rounds of pull-ups 
5kb swings after each round @ 73# KB 

25 push-press @ 20# 
OH carry 15m 
don't put the weight down 

20 ab mat sit-ups 
20 Russian Twists 
5 rounds 

PM Stairmaster 
30:00 minutes 

DAY 37 / 56

AM run (outside 10 degrees w/ Fred) 
7.10 miles in 1:08:00 

DAY 36 / 56

10:00 Warm-Up Airdyne 

3 rounds of 12 Goblet Squats @ 45# 
5 rounds of 12 Goblet Squats @ 60#

1-10 pull-ups 
between each round do 15 push-press @ 40#db 

PM Cycle 
60:00 trainer @ 220W average 

DAY 34 / 56

45:00 cycle @ 140bmp 
50:00 minute run (outside) 6.2 miles 

Friday, December 6, 2013

DAY 33 / 56

10:00 row warm-up 

barbell (30#) complex 5 rounds of 
6x bent over row 
6x hammer curl 
6x strict press 
6x squat 
6x push-press 
6x squat 
plank for 12 controlled breaths 

30-20-10 of 
18" box weighted step-ups (25#) 

wall ball (16lbs) 

4x rounds of 
10x KTE
1:00 ring plank 

DAY 32 / 56

40:00 Stairmaster @ 140+ bpm 

40:00 cycle @ 140bpm (210W) 

DAY 31 / 56

10:00 airdyne warm-up 

1-4 pull-ups 
3x rounds 

20 ball slams @ 25# + 
2:00 Ski Erg @ sub 1:55 pace 
2:00 minute rest 
3x rounds 

45:00 minutes @ 130BPM

DAY 30 / 56

AM run w/ Fred (snow run) 
1:18:00 minutes for 8.0 miles 

DAY 29 / 56

10:00 Warm-up 

15m weighted lunges 
15m weighted bear crawl 

10-1 ladder

2x through of the following 
6x reverse lunges weighted 25# 
6x bent over row 
6x hammer curl 
6x push-press 
6x squat 
do this 3x 

55:00 cycle 

Monday, December 2, 2013

DAY 27 / 56

AM Brick 
45:00 ride (trainer) 215 watt average + 
50:00 run (6.5 miles) 140-150bpm 

DAY 26 / 56

PM RIDE (trainer) 
60:00 minutes @ 210watt average 
BPM 130-140 

DAY 25 / 56 (Thanksgiving)

Vitality AM 
280cal Airdyne - 11:38 
2800m Erg - 11:35 
2800m Row - 10:58 

DAY 24 / 56

AM Vitality 
10:00 warm-up Airdyne 

5x rounds of 
10 push-ups 
15m weighted bear crawl 

with a 20# ball held on chest complete the follow circuit 
1 step up each leg on 18 inch box 
4 other partners do the same thing while resting with ball 
work until 7 reps each leg 

150 calories on Airdyne at all out pace 

DAY 23 / 56

AM RUN w/ Fred Conlon
50:00 minutes @ 130-150bpm 6.0 miles 

PM RIDE (trainer) 
45:00 minutes @ 220 watts 

Monday, November 25, 2013

DAY 22 / 56

Vitality AM 
10:00 warm-up Airdyne (163 cal) 

5x 20 ab mat weighted sit-ups (16# ball thrown by partner) 

10x strick db press (30#) 
15m lunges 
10x push-ups 
15m bear crawl w/ row 
5 rounds 

5:00 ab work cool down 

BIKE TRAINER PM 90:00minute @ 130bpm 

DAY 20 / 56

BIKE TRAINER: 60:00 minutes @ 220 average (135bpm) + 
weighted lunges, ab work, push-ups

DAY 19 / 56

Work at Dallas ToPS Roundtable Meeting - no workout 

DAY 18 / 56

Travel to Dallas - no workout 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

DAY 17 / 56

10:00 Warm-up Airdyne 200 cal 

100 steps of walking lunges w/ 20# ball overhead 

7:00 minutes of ball throws with partners 

1-7 step-up later holding 20# ball on chest + 
10 squats w/ ball on chest after each round 
done with 5 other partners - ball stays on chest the whole time 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

DAY 16 / 56

AM rum 6.4 miles 
60:00 minutes @ 140-160BPM

Monday, November 18, 2013

DAY 15 / 56

2000 m row warm-up 

10x push-press w/ 25#db 
15m db overhead lunges 
15 farmer carry walk 
5x rounds 

20-2 latter (coming down in steps of 2) 
right arm shoulder press 15#DB 
ball slam 
left arm shoulder press 15#DB 
5 long breaths in the plank 

30 v-sit ups 
15m weighted lunges 
x 3 rounds

80:00 minutes @130bpm heart rate 

DAY 13 / 56

5.5 mile run "Dry Creek" w/ Fred Conlon 
45 min spin @140bpm 

DAY 12 / 56

1:00 stairmaster 
10 KB swings 
1:30 stairmaster 
12 KB swings 
2:00 stairmaster 
14 KB swings 
2:30 stairmaster 
16 KB swings 
3:00 stairmaster 
18 swings 
3:30 stairmaster 
20 swings 
3:30 stairmaster 
back down to 1:00...

DAY 11 / 56

1:05:00 ride along 900E to 12300S
19.75 miles @140-150bpm heart rate 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DAY 10 / 56

Vitality AM: 
10:00 warm-up Airdyne 200 cal 

5 push-ups 
15m bear crawl 
5 rounds 

partner 1: 500m row 
partner 2: 5 push-press, 5 push-up, 5 pull-up 
work until 5,000m is completed by the team 

2x 2:00 planks 

30:00 freestyle swim 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

DAY 9 / 56

Sports Mall scale 162lbs 
40:00 minute run @ 8:30 pace +- (4.70 miles) 

Monday, November 11, 2013

DAY 8 / 56

Vitality AM: 
10:00 Warm-up Row 2,000m 

4 rounds of 30 step ups (24' box) 
15 push-press (40# DB), 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups 
no rest 

150 Wall-ball @ 20# ball 

25 miles @ below 150BPM (1:20:00) 

I liked this picture. Training, work and planning create hope. Hoping for a good outcome is not a strategy if you are not prepared to do the work and have a plan to get it done.  

DAY 6 / 56

45:00 bike trainer @ 130bpm + 
20:00 run @ 5.5 speed treadmill 

DAY 5 / 56

AM - 20:00 swim w/ paddles @ Sports Mall 
PM - 15:00 x 2 bike trainer @ 145bpm 

Friday, November 8, 2013

DAY 4 / 56

Cannondale ride 
18 miles and 1,000 feet climbing 
Average BPM 145

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 3 / 56

Vitality 6-7AM 
10:00 warm-up row 

10:00 no rest of as many rounds of 
15 KB swings 60# 
10 squats 
10 push-ups 
(finished 12 rounds) 


:90 500W on Airdyne (50cal) 
30 step-ups (18' box) 
15 squats, 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups 
3x rounds (no rest) 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

DAY 2 / 56

40:00 minute run 
4.33 miles with average heart rate @150.  
This was a 9:25 pace.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

DAY 1 / 56

Day 1 / 56 
Today starts my base training phase for 2014 SG70.3 
AM - Vitality Work 
10:00 Warm-up 
10-1 push-up later 

18' box 1-5-1 
45# step-up later (hold weight the whole time) 

7 rounds of (60# KB) 
5 goblet squats 
5 KB swings 
5 push-ups 
:30 plank 
no rest 

10:00 ab circuit 

PM - 60:00 bike trainer @ 130 bpm 

This past Saturday took a ride up Emigration Canyon with the idea in mind to get a 2013 PR.  It happened.  Although it was windy I will take a fastest time doing anything.  I love that canyon and it was fun to climb it faster than the previous 50+ times I've ridden it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


10:00 warm-up (ski-erg 2,000 meters) 

5x 10 push-ups 
15m bear crawl 
15m sprint 

25 of each 4x rounds 
box jump 24' 
push press 25# DB
KB swing 53# 

15-1 push-up later 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vitality work over the past month and a quick trip to SG with a group of 8 guys on a bike has kept me busy.  We took 7th overall in our team that did Salt to Saint.  It was a wild ride and pretty challenging.  I rode 4 separate legs with the final leg as an all out sprint with Jameson to the finish line.  

Monday October 21, 2013 
10:00 Warm-Up 
4x 1:00 plank w/ 1 push-up every 10 seconds 

4x 10 DB squats + 15m lungs w/ 25# DBs
4x 10 DB squats + 15m lungs w/ 35# DBs
4x 10 DB squats + 15m lungs w/ 45# DBs

4x 25 weighted sit-ups 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


10:00 row warm-up 

3x5 clapping push-ups 
3x5 clapping pull-ups 
3x10 KB swings (moderate) 

10-1 of the following 
dumbbell bench (45#) 
box jump 
ball slam (40#) 

3x5 turkish get-ups 
3x5 windmill (30# kb) 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Yuba Sprint

1st in my age (30-39) didn't stick around for the podium - Ava had her first soccer game.  

After my last race Chase said something that stuck, "You need to run your own race."  I know my limits and how to push them.  I have a game plan for every race and sticking to the plan has always produced the best results.  This is the third time I have competed in the Yuba Sprint Triathlon.  I love the venue: flat and fast.  The 2008 race was in a rented wetsuit and a borrowed bike.  I did the backstroke and wore an iPod Shuffle on the run.

Woke up today at 4:45AM ate breakfast and did what I do every morning before workouts.  Nothing new on race day.  Yuba Reservoir is about 110 miles from SLC, and being alone driving in the darkness helped me get my mind right for the race.  I rolled into Yuba at about 6:45AM - giving me about an hour and a half to get copious amounts of gear set up.  Moved down to the water for the 8:15AM start time and did 6x25m warm-ups laps.  I didn't have a great swim which will be he focus of my training this winter.  Being 3:00-4:00 minutes behind when I get out of the water can't happen if I am going to be an overall victor.

Crushed the bike!  I had the second fastest bike split of all the racers and didn't move into my high threshold until the back 6 miles.  I questioned the structural integrity of my Orbea, but it held strong and got me through one more race.  My spun my legs the last half mile of the bike and tried to give my quads a little break before the run.

Keep a solid 7:10 pace throughout the run.  I saw the 5 guys in front of me at the run turn around and calculated they were about 5:00 minutes in front of me.  At the run turn around I picked up my pace and watched my heart rate climb to the moon.

The numbers don't lie.  What we are doing at Vitality is working.  I am faster, stronger and smarter.  It's time for a little break from triathlon training and just enjoy being outside riding - although it's hard to not be excited for what 2014 has in store.

Yuba Sprint 2008 (1:24:21)
Yuba Sprint 2009 (1:19:32)
Yuba Sprint 2013 (1:09:33)
14:58 swim
30:42 bike (2/119)
21:40 run

Monday, August 19, 2013

Jordanelle Sprint TriUtah 2013

Race Results

Solid race effort in the blazing heat of Jordanelle State Park.  It has been three months since my last race and much has changed.  The biggest changes have not come in the form of training or improvement, but lifestyle adjustments.  My three months old baby girl has caused a small rift in our sleeping habits and it has taken its toll on my body.  Chase spends a bulk of his time trying to teach me that will improvement come with smart training and even smarter recovery.  It has been a tough process to change my behavior from thinking that results come with more and more and more effort and work.  Smarter work is the key.  We made adjustments when a hint of overtraining made an appearance about a month and a half ago.

Besides me forgetting my helmet and having to call my father to bring it to me, everything went very well today.  The taper week had me feeling like a changed beast.  I positioned myself at the front of the swim pack and didn't look back.  Being in the front helps me swim the type of race I want to swim rather than being stuck in the back at a pace that someone else sets.  The water was nasty and super low.  It was a 4:00 minute / .5 mile run from the water to the transition area because of the low water level in Jordanelle.  Progressed to the bike for a 8 mile 2% grade climb and then and 5 miles 1% grade downhill ride back.  I pushed it hard - almost too hard.  My legs where jacked by the end and I had my doubts that I would be able to hold a 7:00 pace on the run.  I held on for about 1 mile and then felt my heart climb into the 180 range.  I pulled back a bit and settled into a 7:30-8:00 pace - finishing the run in 24:00 minutes.

Improvements came with a strong / fast swim and improved times in the transition area.  I raced without socks and cut about 1:30 off my transition time.  Better pacing on the run, but I didn't feel like the race unraveled in any way.  I learned to be better prepared with my gear and not waste precious mental energy on something that should have been taken care of the night before.

9th overall
2nd age group (30-34)
1:22:55 total time (7:27 minute behind the winner who was a 17 year old)
13:15 minute swim

+ a 4:00 minute run from the water to transition
29:07 bike (19MPH - 5th overall)
24:14 run (7:49 pace) 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

taper week

kb swing progression ladder
x8 kb swings @ light weight (35-45#)
x8 kb swings @ medium weight (45-60#)
x8 kb swings @ heavy weight (60-73#)
4 rounds

rest 5:00

ladder from 10-1 of…
weighted burpees @ 15-20# dbs
knees to elbows

rest 5:00

2×15 yards flat-body single arm bent over row
cooldown 10:00

Friday, August 2, 2013


I have been sitting on the edge of physical breakdown for some weeks now.  I am doing most of my interval work now at around 90% of full effort.  It takes a toll on my physical and emotional systems.  Hopefully, on August 17 I will peak and crush the Jordanelle race.  This is the tough way to train, but I am going to keep at it and see where it takes me.  


10:00 warm-up 
3x 5 wall squats 
1-5 pull-up later 

5 reps every :20 for 3:00 minutes of Push-Press @25lbs 
5 reps every :20 for 3:00 minutes of Goblet Squat @53lbs 

5:00 rest 

20x push press + 1:40 min 500m row 
rest 2:00 
20x push-up + 1:50 min 500m ski 
rest 2:00 
20x goblet squat + 50 cal Airdyne (1:30 min) 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

warm up 10:00
3×10 goblet squats @ 25#
3×5 wall squats
3×10 lunges

4 x goblet squat progression ladder:
x12 goblet squats @ light weight
x8 goblet squats @ medium weight
x4 goblet squats @ heavy weight
*in between each step of the ladder complete x5 hand release push-ups
*total of 60 push-ups + 96 squats
rest some

pull-up ladder from 2-10 (increments of 2)
*in between each step of the ladder complete 15 yards walking lunges @ dumbbells

rest some
3 x …
:30 crunches
1:00 plank
:30 rest

cooldown 10:00

Monday, July 22, 2013


warm up 10:00
3×5 burpee pull-ups

5 rounds of…
x10 box jumps
x10 push-ups
x5 pull-ups

complete every 1:00 on the minute for 10:00…
x3 push press @ medium weight (75-115#)
x5 burpees

rest 5:00
1,000 meter ski erg

stuart – 3:44 ski


warm up 10:00
:15 mtn. climbers/:45 rest – 4 rounds
*during rest period complete x5 push-ups + x3 pull-ups
rest 5:00
2:00 effort on rower/bike @ 85% effort
3:00 rest period
*during rest period complete…
x10 push-ups
x5 pull-ups
x10 step-ups
x5 ball slams
x10 push press
cooldown 10:00


warm up 10:00
3×5 wall squats
3×10 goblet squats
5 rounds of…
x7 strict step-ups @ medium weight dumbbells @ 18″ box
x7 proper push-ups
x7 pull-ups
30 yards flat-body lat pulls
7:00 ab circuit
cooldown 10:00


warm up 10:00
3×15 yards lunges @ farmer carry 15-20# dbs
3×15 yards lunges @ rack hold 15-20# dbs
3×15 yards lunges @ overhead hold 15-20# dbs
*after each set of 15 yards complete 5 real push-ups
rest 5:00
pull-up ladder from 10-1
*in between each step of the ladder complete x15 kb swings @ 35-53# kb
rest 5:00
3 x 1:00 plank – :30 rest between each
cooldown 10:00

Monday, June 3, 2013

vitality FFP

10:00 warm-up 200 cal air dyne 

3x 30 squats 
3x 15 push-ups 
3x 30m lunges 
3x 1-5 pullups 


14# wall ball 
sprint 15m 
40# ball slam 
bear crawl 15m


3x 30 anchored sit-ups 

JUNE 1, 2013 

The "pond" wasn't as bad as I thought it would be even though it smelled like a backed up sewer filled with rotten fish and duck crap.  I gulped down a mouthful in my warmup just to get it over with.  Not knowing the race route caused some hesitancy, but I picked a fast swimmer and stuck with him the whole time.  The swim times have not been posted yet, but a racer who got out just in front of me finished the swim in 14:00.  I had a horrible spot in the transition area.  The worst - hands down.  There were around 300 racers and the transition area was packed.  I was stuck in the back and realized, at the end of the race, how important it is to treat the transition area a very important part of the race.  I lost critical time finding my stuff and running too far in my cycle shoes.

The bike route was filled with 90 degree turns and weird intersections.  As soon as I started flying I was forced hit the brakes.  With that said, I pushed hard and was above my high threshold for over 60% of the bike (172+bpm).  The second lap of the bike was filled with all of the people who had just gotten out of the water.  It was a mess.  I spent most of the second lap close to the center line of the road an yelling at people on mountain bikes.

The goal was to run a sub 7:00 pace - according to Strava I did it, but until the race results show I guess it is not official.  There were some uphill portions and then some short downhill stuff, but I kept a strong solid pace.  I push my legs hard, and started to get wobbly in the final mile.  There was a racer about 150m ahead of me during the whole run.  I would gain on him and then he would pull away.  I figured he was an elite racer, but when the final results came out he took 1st in our age and I took 2nd.  Lost to him by 23 seconds.  12th overall at 1:10:40.  Seven minutes behind the top finisher.

It was a great race, but overall victory will not happen until my swim time drops at least 2:00-3:00 minutes and I can run around a 6:30 pace.

Total time: 1:10:40 (12/204)
Swim: 14:24 (21/204)
T1: 1:42 (53/204)
Bike: 31:52 (4/204)
T2: 1:30 (93/204)
Run: 21:15 (14/204) 

Transitions were not the highlight yesterday, but I did bike faster than the overall winner.