Friday, March 16, 2012

I recently listened to the following advice that said if you work a math problem and find out half way through the work that you have made a mistake you can't fix the problem by working harder.  The only way to change the outcome of the wrongly worked problem is to find where the mistake was made, and re-work the problem from there.  Working harder and with more diligence but not using the proper information could describe the character of a fool.  This could be applied to all aspects of life: 

1) a business owner who puts in long hours with a flawed business plan.
2) a committed fitness enthusiast who puts in daily work into a fitness plan that he knows nothing about.
3) a religious "believer" who turns a blind eye to seeking for eternal truth, and instead lives the principles that are convenient.  

The list could go one.  As the prophet Joseph Smith once said, "A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge."  Correct knowledge can save a man and the lack there-of will bring damnation (progression in all areas will be damned).  

20:00 bike, squats, push-ups, roller 

work to a 2x max on front squat 

3x front squat @185# 
9x BW dips 
6 rounds for time 

1:00 min at each 
ball slam
double under 
push press @85# 
box jump 
hang clean squat 
rest 1:00 
3 rounds 

50 evil wheel 

1 comment:

Stu Anderson said...

front squat 2x max 225#