Sunday, June 10, 2012


It's been a great couple weeks of training.  I have cut back on "strength training" and spend most of my time focusing on the sports and skills of triathlon.  My schedule has looked like this for the past 4 weeks: 

5:30-7:00 Vitality Strength Training 
12:00 Swim Training 

5:00-7:00 Emigration Canyon interval training 
12:00 10k run training 

6:00-7:00 Vitality Strength Training 
12:00 5k training (speed and interval) 

6:00 PM Emigration Hill Climb Series w/ 5K run afterward at 24:00 min pace 

Rest or easy swim 

Brick workouts (2 hours) 

This past Saturday was a huge victory for me.  32:15 from the Zoo parking lot to the top of Emigration Canyon. New PR by almost 1:30minutes. 

1 comment:

Stu Anderson said...

PR on Saturday morning Zoo to the top of Emigration: 32:15. I am working on getting under 31:00 by the end of the season.

Dr. Blackwood completed the Boise Halfironman this weekend.